Following the release of the new ISO 9001:2015, all ISO Management System standards will follow a common 10 clause structure. This includes the AS9100 standard for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations, which are expected to have a new revision in April 2016.
Here are a few examples of the clauses and the key high level changes expected in AS9100:
Clause 1: Scope – There will be an emphasis on defining the scope of the QMS and the
context of the organization, along with a new process model and PDCA model.
Clause 4: Context of the organization – A Quality Manual will no longer be required,
but maintained documentation is required.
Clause 7: Support – There must be an awareness of contribution to compliance
and product safety.
Clause 8: Operations – Plans must be in place for product obsolescence. Activities should be planned to assure product
safety, and prevention of counterfeit
products is in place.
Clause 10: Improvement – Evaluation will
be required regarding the need for action
based on human factors.