In our current society, people are always on the go, and businesses are not immune to employee turnover. Whether people move to another company or change positions within the same organization, the reality is that people don’t stay in one job forever.
Many of us wonder how to handle these type of personnel changes within a management system. In this article we will provide some pointers for changes needed in your documentation.
A reader asked:
Could you please advise if we need to revise some of our current QMS master procedures for Planning:
- If the process owner already left the organization?
- And to replace the process ownership to the current holder of the position?
When employees leave, you don’t necessarily need to update all procedures they were in charge of, especially if the processes remain unchanged and the position is being replaced. Listed below are some areas to review for potential updates.
1. The Document Attributes on Web QMS
Whether you are using Web QMS or not, you may have to change your document index or Master List of Procedures (and any other document list) to reflect the new Process Owner.

2. The Document Process Map and Content
You may need to update the process map within applicable procedure(s) and replace the job title -but only if such job title is being eliminated or if the new person has a different job title. Otherwise, there is no need to make changes.

3. Revision Log
Unless there is a change in the document that requires a new revision (after you conduct the Management of Change process), there is no need to update the revision log with the new person’s name. The person that left was the approver at that time, therefore, it is okay to leave as is.

Aside from the procedures or related documentation – whether you use Web QMS or not – you may need to check for any CIPs (Corrective Actions, Preventive Actions) or NCRs that may still be open and assigned to this person. Likewise, whether this person was responsible for Evaluation and Reevaluation of Suppliers, Calibration, etc. should be part of your review, however this may be done when you conduct your Management of Change.
Final Overview
Aside from the procedures or related documentation in your management system, you need to check for any CIPs (Corrective Actions, Preventive Actions) or NCRs that may still be opened and assigned to the employee who is leaving or who has already left.
Additionally, if this employee was responsible for Evaluation and Reevaluation of Suppliers, Calibration, NCRs, etc. those areas should be part of your review, however this may be done when you invoke the Management of Change process. Management of Change (MOC) is an essential part of all ISO and API standards, and managing changes in personnel is very important. We hope this article has helped you understand the types of documents that may require changes when personnel leave.