Mireaux Ranked Number 1 Woman-Owned Business in Houston!

Mireaux Ranked Number 1 Woman-Owned Business in Houston!

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HBJ LogoThe Houston Business Journal ranked Mireaux Management Solutions N. 1 on its list of Woman-Owned Business based on 2010 Local Gross revenues.

Despite of the economy being in recovery mode in 2010, Mireaux Management Solutions managed to come out in winning mode out of 2009 and had a superb year in 2010. The success had by Mireaux is attributed to a very disciplined approach followed by the Mireaux team accross all its Business Units.

Mireaux No.1 Woman-Business OwnedAlthough Mireaux Management Solutions has always offered Consulting, Training, Auditing Services and the Web QMS software, Consulting was always the major source of income. “That was a really good strategy to get the company going and support our software development costs without borrowing money. However starting in 2010 we saw all our Business Units grow and a significant shift to the Web QMS Enterprise Management Software was palpable. We are obviously extremely happy with the results as we see a momentum in the software and to date we have been able to solely sustain development costs without the need to seek capital investment and we don’t see that need in the near future either.”, adds Miriam Boudreaux, President of Mireaux. The model for Mireaux’s Web QMS Enterprise Management System is very simple and uses the latest technology therefore making it extremely robust and cost effective for any size company large, medium or small.

To view the whole article and list visit the Houston Business Journal 10/15 Edition online.

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