High Reviews for Mireaux’s Fundamentals of Document Control Training
On September 16-18, Mireaux Management Solutions offered their one-of-a-kind Fundamentals of Document Control training course at their Training Center located
On September 16-18, Mireaux Management Solutions offered their one-of-a-kind Fundamentals of Document Control training course at their Training Center located
The 2015 revision of ISO 9001 is in the last stage. This revision is significant and is bound to throw
Just like ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 is here. ISO 14001 is also changing, and in fact, the 2015 version was
The AS9100C is the Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations standard. It includes all of
Did you know that the new version of ISO 9001:2015 incorporates managing your changes and performing risk assessment? Did you
After a lot of hard work and effort, Lonestar Energy Fabrication upgraded their API Q1 certification to the 9th Edition.
Enjoying the pleasant weather in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, Miriam Boudreaux, CEO of Mireaux, conducted a 3-day API Q2 Fundamentals training course for the Drilling and Equipment Maintenance Division (DEMD) of Saudi Aramco […]
On March 24-26, Mireaux Management Solutions offered the API Q2 Fundamentals training course at their training facility located in Willowbrook
After 7 months of working with Mireaux Management Solutions, Gulf Controls Company, Inc., a factory-authorized distributor of pneumatic, hydraulic and electro-mechanical motion control products by the world’s top manufacturers[…]
Miriam Boudreaux, CEO of Mireaux Management Solutions, recently made a trip to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, to begin the process of
We welcome our newest intern, Anil Kumar (second from left).Mireaux Management Solutions welcomes Anil Kumar to its Web QMS software
Miriam Boudreaux, CEO and Founder of Mireaux, spoke on Risk Assessment in the Diving Industry at UI 2015 on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015. The annual Underwater Intervention Conference, held in New Orleans, LA, focuses on topics concerning Commercial Diving, Remotely Operated Vehicles, Manned Submersibles, Instruments and Sensors, Sonar and Acoustics, Ocean Engineering, Marine Salvage and Shipwrecks, AUV and UUV Technology.
Miriam Boudreaux, CEO of Mireaux Management Solutions, attended the Houston Business Journal’s private event at the Museum of Natural Science
PV Fluid Products – a dynamic, privately owned, Canadian-based company specializing in the design, supply and support of progressing cavity
It’s only February, but it’s already been a huge year for Mireaux. We’ve experienced growth in every area of our
Are you ready to embark on your journey toward building a robust ISO or API management system that paves the way for certification success? Download our FREE 5 Essential Steps to Jumpstart Your ISO & API Certification Journey! These are the same steps our own Consultants use to successfully guide our clients to achieve ISO/API certification.
Free Essential Guide
These are the same steps our own Consultants use to successfully guide our clients to achieve ISO/API certification.