The Right Time to Implement ISO 9001?
Although ISO 9001 is a certification claimed by thousands of organizations all over the world, some companies still have a tough time taking the step to world class quality. We are too busy, we don’t have enough people, our customers don’t require it, we don’t need it, etc, etc. Let’s look together at the pros …
Beginning the ISO 9001 Journey: The Quality Policy
Quality Policy The quality policy is meant to be a statement or a group of statements that reflects your organization’s culture. It does not necessarily have to repeat the sentences or paragraphs contained in the ISO 9001 standard nor include some words contained in the ISO standard, or much less be similar to another company’s …
Electronic Systems Do Work! Let Your Corrective and Preventive Action System Work for You
I still remember it, it was 1997 and the company had just hang a new projector from the ceiling. As with every new tool, I jumped on the bandwagon and switched from slides to using the PC and projector to show my presentation. Unfortunately, Murphy was in the meeting too and my presentation along with…